sit tight. with muppets!

hello. i’ve been getting requests to start posting again. it’s very flattering. i’ve been tired and stressed out and out of sorts lately, culminating in this evening, just a couple hours ago, when i was holding a tissue to my bloody nose and coughing up blood on the beach. true story. so you see, i’m falling apart a little. but i’ll be back soon, i promise, and that goes for voicemails to ben too! new stuff’s a-comin’. just wait for me to be in one piece again.

in the meantime, my summer is going to be largely dedicated to volunteering at a jim henson exhibit at the experience music project; here’s something i’ve been turned on to already, from henson’s show sam and friends, featuring an early version of kermit. i promise it will make you happy.

this is an early commercial:

and these are a series of little sponsor pieces. they’re way violent and silly; the tall guy’s name is wilkins, and the short one is won’tkins… get it?

3 responses to “sit tight. with muppets!

  1. this is excellent! your blog is so wonderful!

  2. thank you, stranger! the blogosphere boosts another unsuspecting victim’s self-esteem.

  3. fun how that happens sometimes, hm?
    i will be honest, i came across it because i was google image searching for pictures of philip glass. who really knows why. and one of the pictures led me here and i got really into it.


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